When I started converting my books into electronic format, I realized I needed to organize them so that I could browse and find what I needed quickly. I needed to organize them in a logical directory-like structure to keep it simple. With a bit of searching on the net I came across Calibre, an open source software developed originally by a fellow named Kovid Goyal. It has three big functions that I really like and use everyday. First, I can organize them by simple information fields such as title, author, or publication date. Second, I can download and store metadata from internet the including book covers, summaries, ratings, catalog numbers, tags, you name it.. Finally, it serves the book over my home network. So while laying on the couch in any room, I can browse my library and download the book I need to my tablet. As a bonus, it has a great visual browser. Thank you Kovid! I can browse the books visually by their cover. Here is a snapshot of the visual browser:
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